New Branding Agency

We create successful digital

Who we are

All balexa brands or products Including: ASAL24, Mr'ASAL, Mamella, CaféBal, ladybal, Honey's Secret, firstbal, ASAL'CHI, Re'HONEY, Leader'n, President'er, Sky Million, balon'd, Pliel, Play Calm, honey'chi, honey month, HONEY OF HONEY, honey-class, honey-nights, honey-prize, Honey Daddies, Pre'secret, Pre'lady, honey'en, Wow Honey, Suxur, Sugary Baby, bee'bal, Kifci, honey'ness, balnn, Slowex, Uiif, black'bal, Platiner, re'milan, brawal, Premem, Pre'mem, Ora'bal, mastern'ess, honey'so, million'ess, baless, million'chi, balatan, balstreet, shorabil, Sabalan Honey, Mliel, Shexon, bank'chi, asal-bano & etc.

honey's,honeys,honey:s, honey ness, honey'ness, honey-ness. Honey likes almost about everything and anything! Fashion & Beauty, Food & Health, Honey's & Honey & more...


Professional Skills

UI/UX Design 75%
Web Development 90%
Marketing 65%
Creative Ideas
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Really Clean Code
Donec finibus ulicies vulputate mollis massa laoreet
Support 24/7
Donec finibus ulicies vulputate mollis massa laoreet
Talented Team
Donec finibus ulicies vulputate mollis massa laoreet
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Edwin Charles
Web Developer
Ut tempor blandit ligula et vul. In at nibh nec lorem.
Edwin Charles
Donna Flowers
Web Designer
Ut tempor blandit ligula et vul. In at nibh nec lorem.
Donna Flowers
April Copeland
Team Lead
Ut tempor blandit ligula et vul. In at nibh nec lorem.
April Copeland
Richard Kennedy
Art Director
Ut tempor blandit ligula et vul. In at nibh nec lorem.
Richard Kennedy
Projects Completed
Working Hours
Positive Feedbacks
Happy Clients

Let's work together

Donec orci sem, pretium ac dolor et, faucibus faucibus mauris. Etiam aliquet, faucibus, nisi eros vehicula lorem.

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